The most extensive network of simulations in Deutschland, Europe, and the United States.
Satisfied students
Prepares high school and university students aiming to take part in the most important United Nations simulations in the world.
With our team of experts in educational modules based on the learning-by-doing framework, the training courses devised and organised by MUN GERMANY are internationally recognised for their quality and effectiveness.
Our courses focus on strengthening the most important and requested soft skills in academia and the workplace: Public Speaking, Negotiation, Team Work, Time Management, Leadership, Research and writing methods.
A Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the work of the United Nations in which the role of ambassadors is undertaken by students. Each participant represents a different country and must faithfully respect its values and interests. The aim is to negotiate and obtain the approval of documents called “resolutions” which favour the assigned country, while taking into account the collective interests. It is a “cooperative competition” in which the participants debate about important topics in international politics. It is a unique occasion to put into practice the most important soft skills we teach during our training courses: public speaking, negotiation, team building/working, problem solving, conflict resolution, critical thinking, time management, research and writing methods.
Our pre-departure training course will give you the necessary tools and preparation to fully participate in the project.
Our Mun are official events organised by us and our partner organizations, in the United States and Europe. These projects have been going for nearly a century and witness the involvement of thousands of students from all over the world.
Our training courses and simulations are created, managed and monitored by our Scientific Committee made up of professors from the most prestigious universities in Italy and the rest of the world, ensuring our students receive the highest quality as they learn about fundamental notions and skills in the scholastic, academic and professional world.
Our programs offer students the opportunity to refine their personal competences and strengthen the soft and hard skills for their academic and professional pathways. Through cooperation and negotiation with peers, they will develop critical skills for leadership, communication and conflict resolution.
We encourage international mobility for our students, offering experiences which will broaden their horizons and foster a greater understanding of global dynamics. In this way, we contribute to training the citizens of tomorrow, who will be ready to face global challenges with more awareness.
Participation in our MUN does not just mean acquiring new knowledge and skills, but also making new friends, meeting peers from different countries and cultural backgrounds, and living the experience together, during the project and the social events.
Our international team involves qualified students, teachers and professional experts in various fields, all united by a passion for MUN. Thanks to this diversity of skills, we guarantee a stimulating and educational environment for students, thereby further enriching their experience.
Take part in this unique event and have an unforgettable experience.
Challenge yourself today to compete tomorrow in the world of business.
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MUN DEUTSHLAND – BERLIN – brand of Y.O srl – Via Nomentana 164, 00162 Roma | P.I./C.F. 17654731003 © 2024. All rights reserved.